Sunday, April 25, 2010

Over a Wall

Six days into my weight loss journey, I'd lost 8 pounds. Very gratifying! And then...I plateaued for four days. As far as I knew, I was following the nutritional instructions to the letter. Why the sudden halt in progress?

After a bit of reflection, I realized that my diet was probably not the reason for the plateau. This program is both a diet and a detoxification program. If a body is unable to excrete all of its toxins, one of the places that it stores them is in fat deposits. The HCG program's claim to fame is that it is able to mobilize and flush out some of the most "remote" fat deposits, producing a beautiful reshaping. However in mobilizing this fat, toxins stored in the fat are mobilized as well. Therefore the program has a detoxification aspect, which needs to work well for the weight loss to proceed.

To support elimination of toxins during the program, I am supposed to take regular Epsom salt baths and to dry-brush my skin nightly. Wouldn't you know, when I got busy last weekend and forgot these practices for a couple of days, my weight loss plateaued. Fortunately, as I restarted these aspects of the self-care, the progress returned as well. I'm now down 10.5 pounds, and loving how I feel both inside and out.

More to come...

copyright 2010

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