Monday, May 24, 2010

Smooth Landing

I terminated the HCG portion of the program after 33 days, in anticipation of some travel scheduled for the following week. (Unless you bring all food with you or have a host willing to prepare food to your exact specifications, it's likely a fool's mission to expect to comply with phase I of the program while on the road.) I'll admit to dreading the discontinuance of the HCG, when the program requires that the very low calorie plan be continued for 72 additional hours. I imagined that the hunger would be so bad I'd be eating the furniture.

Not so. I've always had a very healthy appetite, one of the barriers to easy weight loss in the past. Believe it or not, the appetite-resetting effect of the HCG lasted through those 72 hours so that I was no hungrier than I'd been during the days taking HCG. Even better, my weight continued to drift downward such that by the end of those 72 hours I crossed the 20-lb weight loss line. 20 pounds easily in just over a month, eating real, healthy food. My energy is excellent. Amazing.

Now it's on to phase II, where we up the calories while consuming the same food types as in phase I.

This is fun - are you ready to start yet?

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